The Ames Climate Action plan
The city of Ames is responding to the climate emergency by setting a greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reductions target and developing a climate action plan (CAP) that outlines a path to get to that target. A climate action plan is a major policy that involves significant investment and affects all aspects of our community. Done right, the CAP produces a workable pathway that maximizes local benefits, and prioritizes an equitable transition. Ames’ new CAP is expected to be completed by Sept. 2022. The first steps, “low carbon actions plus target setting”, are critical and being delivered this December 2021.
We are in a really fortunate situation in Ames. The City of Ames wants to foster a forward-thinking, innovative, and sustainable community. An effective GHG reduction target and CAP can help achieve these goals. Investment in climate action contributes to Ames’ economic development, in addition to generating co-benefits related to health, improved environment, equity, and economic growth. We are also fortunate to have a baseline GHG inventory already in place, and many members of the city council who are committed to addressing climate change.
A critical challenge is imminent — the emissions reductions target that is chosen in December 2021 will dictate the scope of the action plan for the CAP. Ames Climate Action believes that the target should be grand, not comfortable. We can choose to commit to the kind of bold emissions reduction targets that anticipate a dramatically different future world. We have a real opportunity to do so - but it won't happen without advocacy.
That's while the Ames Climate Action team is in the midst of an advocacy campaign -- to ensure Ames commits to the emissions reduction targets the world needs.
We have created an endorsement letter asking the city to commit to 100% clean energy and city-wide carbon neutrality by 2030. We are in the process of getting organizations, businesses, and institutions to join our ask. If your group is interested in signing on, use the group letter button.
Ames Climate Action also has an organizing team that meets weekly on Thursday at 6:30 PM on zoom. To stay involved, please consider sending a representative from your group to these meetings (email if interested).