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Dr. Lee Anne Willson
Apr 20, 20229 min read
What is the cost of emitting (or not emitting) a ton of CO2?
There are at least three ways to estimate the cost associated with emitting one ton of carbon: We can look at the cost of removing carbon...

Dr. Lee Anne Willson
Apr 4, 20226 min read
The Low-Carbon Scenario
This week the consultants, SSG, presented some of the elements of their plan for Ames that will be shared next week with the City...

Dr. Lee Anne Willson
Mar 18, 20225 min read
Is the world on fire?
The most recent IPCC report on climate change is being called “The World is on Fire.” This report looks at current and projected impacts of

Ames Climate Action Team
A local guide to Reuse and Recycling
Ames re-use recycle (Facebook page) Exchange or give a wide variety of items to...

Dr. Lee Anne Willson
By the Numbers
Examining issues related to the Ames Climate Action Plan: Some years ago, while teaching astronomy at ISU, I asked my class a question:...
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